
Planet Cyber Sec Conference | April 2024

Planet Cyber Sec Conference | April 2024 I delivered a speech titled “Changing Expectations for Security Leadership” to an audience of qualified CISOs, Directors of Information Security, and CIOs. In his talk, I examined the risks and opportunities associated with the growing expectations placed on security teams, using the Uber case as a reference point. I discussed how future security leaders can learn from past experiences to navigate these challenges, foster stronger relationships between the… Read more.

ILTA EVOLVE Conference | April 2024

ILTA EVOLVE Conference | April 2024 ILTA EVOLVE is ILTA’s newest high-profile conference that will dive deep into the legal tech community’s latest challenges and explore emergent issues. EVOLVE was focused on the two most pressing issues in legal tech and will be host to the latest trends in technology. I joined the conference as a keynote speaker to talk about Generative Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Each year two focus areas will be chosen based… Read more.

Security Innovation Network CISO Retreat, Scottsdale

In this keynote talk to a group of top security executives from around the world, I challenged the audience to become true digital risk leaders, taking ownership not only of cybersecurity risks but also AI risks, post-quantum risks, disinformation risks, privacy risks, and all other areas requiring a top digital risk role. We won’t succeed in addressing these interrelated technical challenges if we treat them as separate verticals managed by different leaders…. Read more.

World Economic Forum In Davos, Cyber Future Forum

While in Davos in January 2024, I gave talks at two events running adjacent to the World Economic Forum. On the cybersecurity front, at an event run by the Cyber Future Forum, I led a panel focused on the need for the private and public sectors to come together and work across national borders to defeat our common enemies. On the topic of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, I was asked in real time to jump into a panel to speak about the role that non-governmental organizations can play and how even a little shared effort can make a significant difference for those trapped in a war zone…. Read more.

The SSO tax is killing trust in the security industry

Originally published in CSO Online on Nov 21, 2023, by Joe Sullivan and Atul Tulshiibagwale

Application providers charge fees to implement single sign-on but don’t deliver a full SSO experience. Threat actors are taking advantage of the situation.

We hate asking an organization we are helping secure to pay the single sign-on (SSO) tax. For those not familiar with the phrase, it refers to the license upgrade fee that many cloud software applications charge for unlocking the functionality needed to integrate with an SSO provider…. Read more.

Hellman & Friedman 2023 CISO & CEO Summit, Washington DC

At the Hellman & Friedman 2023 CISO & CEO Summit, I spoke to a room full of security executives and their most important executive sponsors (CEOs, CFOs, etc.) about the need for CISOs to not view security as their exclusive problem and how we need to involve the entire executive team in figuring out the right way and amount to invest in security. Only when the entire executive leadership team understands the challenges at a deeper level will we achieve the right level of investment…. Read more.