The SSO tax is killing trust in the security industry

Originally published in CSO Online on Nov 21, 2023, by Joe Sullivan and Atul Tulshiibagwale

Application providers charge fees to implement single sign-on but don’t deliver a full SSO experience. Threat actors are taking advantage of the situation.

We hate asking an organization we are helping secure to pay the single sign-on (SSO) tax. For those not familiar with the phrase, it refers to the license upgrade fee that many cloud software applications charge for unlocking the functionality needed to integrate with an SSO provider…. Read more.

Hellman & Friedman 2023 CISO & CEO Summit, Washington DC

At the Hellman & Friedman 2023 CISO & CEO Summit, I spoke to a room full of security executives and their most important executive sponsors (CEOs, CFOs, etc.) about the need for CISOs to not view security as their exclusive problem and how we need to involve the entire executive team in figuring out the right way and amount to invest in security. Only when the entire executive leadership team understands the challenges at a deeper level will we achieve the right level of investment…. Read more.

Team 8 Summit, Tel Aviv

Team 8 Summit, Tel Aviv At the Team 8 Summit, I addressed an audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and security professionals, sharing my experiences as a security executive. Despite facing prosecution and considerable media negativity over the past several years, I discussed how one can effectively manage the role’s inherent stress with… Read more.